i’ve owned a number of top flight direct drive turntables; including the Rockport Sirius III, the SP-10 Mk2 and Mk3, and now the Wave Kinetics NVS for the last 9 years. taken singularly; none of those were obviously lacking in speed solidity and musical flow. but over these last 6-9 months, in direct side by side comparison to the Saskia model two idler, and the CS Port LFT1 Belt drive, neither of which have servo’s......this idea of the human ear hearing the musical cost of feedback is very real.At 53K before tonearm I would hope the Saskia has what your previous DD’s did not. I would love to hear one to compare with my much less expensive set-ups. I have maybe 18K in my hot-rodded 301. 4K for a nearly NOS drive unit. Close to 2K for a solid brass platter, another 1K for a solid brass spindle/main bearing, close to 2K for a PSU to decrease motor noise, 3K for a custom plinth that weighs 50 lbs or so in layered cherry with cocobolo outer veneer, another 2K for things like an AS idler wheel and stillpointes, and 4K for my Reed 3P arm.
execution of an idler or belt to the degree to take full advantage of the lack of feedback is paramount, but when you do your ’ears’ will thank you.
I trust yours sounds even better (since you are a regular on what’s best) and I happily surrender as to bragging rights and perhaps curb appeal. I can not convey how much pleasure my 301 gives me in every way. I have grown to love it more than my totally hot-rodded TD124 with nearly identical improvements and arm. By a smidge.
Both combine the durability of transcription table design with modern aspects and yet again with vintage aesthetics.
To me and perhaps me only, a turntable need not look like a piece of laboratory equipment. And I don’t think the Saskia looks like lab equipment, but stuff from TechDas et al.......