Your One Bullet Point Solution; Electrical Upgrade

Two points; I am well aware of many threads on topic of electrical service. I do not have time to read hundreds of posts, but wish to distill them down with your help. I will also post this on the Tech Forum to get wider response:

Doing service upgrade to 100A. I plan on adding a whole house surge protector, type 2, add on to panel after the service enters house. Panel to the HT/Music room is not under consideration, as it was all updated when the room was built.

If anyone has important info/contradictory info on that plan, please inform.

What I would like to know in shorthand form from the community from those who have Done upgrades:

1. Recommended Panel? Brand, any difference?

2. I currently have sub-panel for HT/Audio room which I’m tempted to keep. I understand that this is a good move.
Electrician can sum all into a larger panel, but I have reservations. Comments/recommendations?

3. Particular wiring/breakers for panel/sub-panel for audio use?

4. Particular surge protector recommend.

As the topic has been covered much, notation form comments are welcome. Thanks for helping!

Yes you don't  need to change the sub panel if you're  replacing the main.
I've seen some where they put a surge protector on the main and sub panel that might be something you'd want to ask your electrician about. 
djones51, yes, I plan on inquiring as to surge protection as you suggest. I believe Maxwave suggested (above) a similar idea to what the electrician mentioned. 

So far my thoughts:
200A service
Square D brand panel with brass bus
? Sub panel optimal for HT room? I'm leaning that way
Surge protection on main/sub-panel 

Let's shunt further responses over to the TECH forum, where I have an identical discussion underway! thanks everyone! 
Square D and Siemens have a fantastic reputation and I’ve never heard anyone complain of their quality, unlike GE.

Best in-panel breakers are... in-panel. That is, they take 2 breaker slots and bond right to the busses, with a single pig tail to ground. The add-ons are not bad, but the extra impedance of the wires and that they necessitate taking up breakers themselves limits them in my mind.

So, whichever panel you get, get the same brand protectors that sit on the bus bars.

And, as a reminder, as you are aware, these surge protectors usually recommend you have a point-of-use protector near sensitive electronics as well.

There is another alternative but I have no experience with them, and that is in-meter surge protection.