What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?

While watching vids on YouTube, I came across this pipe speaker design from a Dr. Linkwitz (see below).   The sound of this speaker is said to be impressive.  I was wondering if you know about this, how it works and what you think of this speaker design.  Also, what do you think would be the best room placement for such a speaker, and would you be tempted to build them?

Jerry, I think we enjoy finding kindred spirits here.  I don’t have the means to approach “perfect”, if there is such a thing, but I look forward to enjoying some of the flavors of imperfect.  As others have stated, it’s about the music and enjoying it, not about fretting over the details.  If you enjoy the tweaking, have at it, but don’t forget why you and I are doing that — to enjoy the results.  I’ve been accused of over-thinking a lot of things, but when it comes down to it, just relax and enjoy.  You already have better equipment than most have ever had . . congratulations!  👍🏻

I agree with all three of your points.

My point was that most of the people do not have skills, time, energy, space, or even interest to do it themselves. They simply buy the best they can at that moment. They are often perfectly satisfied with their purchase and use it for years. It may not be as good as if they have done it themselves, although that is also a big gamble, but they can use them moments after they bring them home.

Just that feeling of "Made by Me" is worth it, but it may not be an option for most.
bob540, *L*  In the past, I've owned 'better' equipment....but what was 'better' or 'best' then is more 'typical' now.  The 'goal posts' have moved, prices and exclusivity have gone up in most cases as well.
Meanwhile, we've grown older, our hearing has declined in most cases, and disposable funds have become generally limited for most.

First and foremost, I enjoy music..tending towards 'newer' forms, but spouse and I took the time to listen to Yo Yo Ma's 'gift' to us all over the weekend.  A superlative talent, playing Bach as only he knows how....and how! 👍👏😂

My current choice of equipment will not impress, nor is it meant to.
I've amassed that which 'works' for my tastes and desires.
'Flexible' is of more interest to me currently, done with a limited budget.

But it does 'what it does'....'good enough'...for my pleasure, and well enough to allow me to pursue my DIY goals.

After all....isn't this supposed to be 'fun', engaging. a delightful noise?

Yours, and all y'all...Jerry
glupson, true....+1 *S* I have ’conventional’ speakers that I can ’fall back on’ as desired. I enjoy them as well...and one needs a ’baseline’ to strive for, and perhaps surpass...

Keeps me out of trouble...at least, until I post here... ;)

Have a pleasant weekend. Let’s hope SpaceX makes history tomorrow.
We could use 'plug 'n play' spacecraft. *G*
I have speakers I fell back on and sprained my back. 🤕 note to self: it looks like this is going to be one of those days 🤗