Spectral Amp

I am think about purchasing Spectral Amplifier. My concern is that I have Mark Levinson No. 39 CD Processor, which can directly drive the amplifier. I currently drive my amp with ML No. 39 (CD is my only source). However, the dealer has suggested that Spectral Amp has to be mated with Spectral Pre-Amp or else the amp will blow up. Any thought or suggestion on that. One more thing, if ML 39 cannot drive Spectral, can Wadia CD Player drive Spectral Amp?
Carl I'm glad you are so sure of your self. Your taste for clever veiled peronal insults on your various posts is ill-becoming. My more tentative posts come from my experiences that things aren't always so clear. Different combos sound different. Does the specific listener care? Maybe not but they do sound different. The last six months have benn a rather intensive eqipment evaluation project. and have have tried a lot of combos, usually with four plus set ups available at any time to mix and match. Removing the preamp has always sounded different but rarely unequivocally better. Any device has a "better"/"worse" load/interface combo. I often felt that the manufacturer's preamp/amp combo wan't the best. Electonics I have had in the my house for at least two weeks recently (not even counting dealers) Spectral 180 amp/20 preamp, ARC SP 11 Ref 1 VT200, Melos 402/Music Director/333, Bryston 7B, CJ Premier/16LS 8x, Threshold Stasis, Innersound/CODA, Tact, Adcom passive Theta Progen VA, Sigtech with DAC, MSB Gold link. MIT,Illuminations, Synergistic, Quatto fils. Dunlavy SCV and tuned room. BTW eventhough I believe I'm older my last hearing test went out to 19K
I don't need to get into a pissing contest with you here (yet), Plsl, and I'm sorry you LACK a certain sense of humor. In any case, I congratulate you on having good hearing. And also on having the money/connections/time to evaluate SO MANY products at your home in so short a time...BUT YOU STILL HAVEN'T TRIED THE COMBO I HAVE, so calm down and take your blood pressure medication before you have a stroke, dude...Here's something you may not have heard before (heh heh): it's about the music...
Pls1- it's a fair question; that I can't answer though I "swear" by Spectral (because they're in the room I frequent :)) ; but    if your hearing is flat to 19K---- Call Guiness-- you deserve a place in the record (pardon the pun :(  ) books :)