As a former Plinius 9200 owner, please ensure the Plinius is plugged directly into a wall outlet with at least a 12 gauge power cable. The 9200 I had responded greatly after doing so. Mine for years was on a 14 gauge cable and surge protection unit. Sonically, a big mistake.
Non-believers will disagree. But your power and power management is the foundation of your sound system which sits on top of it, so to speak. So I completely agree, get Cardas or Shunyata wall outlets. Get a PS Audio Power Regenerator. Your Shunyata power cords should be ok as long as they are high current Venoms or above. As a bonus, you can look at Greenwave EMI filters.
Didn't think about this actually. I'm beginning to re-think my power setup. Good points. After a bit of reading, the power regenerator option is indeed intriguing (plus I can try if 30 days at home and always send it back).