Help with upgrade bug...

First time posting.   I've had this fairly satisfying system for some time now and am looking at upgrading to a higher end set of speakers.  Looking for a wider, deeper stage and possibly more involving presentation.  Listen to a lot of female vocals and acoustic music -- using XRCD and SACD, primarily.   

Oppo BDP 105
Benchmark DAC3 HGC (headphone or occasional Ipod/Mac duties)
Plinius 9200 integrated
Totem Acoustic Forest
Kimber Hero/8TC and Shunyata power cords
Monster HTS3600

Room is about 15x11 feet.   8 ft ceiling.   Current speakers are along the shorter wall, about 2 feet out, 6 feet apart.   

Budget probably around $5k, give or take (used or new).   I've been somewhat partial to standmounts but would not be totally opposed to another set of floor standers.   The low end extension of my Forests are for the most part, enough for my ears with the music I listen to.   If I do get standmounts, I wouldn't be totally opposed to adding a sub later on (although integrating them would be a different discussion altogether).  

I've looked considerably at the Dynaudio Confidence C1 (Platinum), Contour 20 or Special 40 (given I've heard good things about Plinius and Dynaudio synergy).   I've also considered the Joseph Audio Pulsars.   Unfortunately, demo possibilities are limited.  


I have the same size room as you and listen to a pair of Charney Audio Companion horns with Omega RS7 drivers. My system is Sparkler Audio CD player as transport to a Digital Amplifier Company (DAC)  Dac 2 with volume control (HSV) to a DAC 2 Cherry Amp. Everything your looking for in wide deep engaging sound.   If your in the NJ/NY area make an appointment with Charney you’ll be glad you did.

As a former Plinius 9200 owner, please ensure the Plinius is plugged directly into a wall outlet with at least a 12 gauge power cable. The 9200 I had responded greatly after doing so. Mine for years was on a 14 gauge cable and surge protection unit. Sonically, a big mistake.

Non-believers will disagree. But your power and power management is the foundation of your sound system which sits on top of it, so to speak. So I completely agree, get Cardas or Shunyata wall outlets. Get a PS Audio Power Regenerator. Your Shunyata power cords should be ok as long as they are high current Venoms or above. As a bonus, you can look at Greenwave EMI filters.

Didn't think about this actually.   I'm beginning to re-think my power setup. Good points.  After a bit of reading, the power regenerator option is indeed intriguing (plus I can try if 30 days at home and always send it back).  
5:19pmFirst try moving the speaker placement. I would try pulling them out 5 feet into the room just to see how that changes the sound. I am not one for power conditioning so I would take that out all together. The Benchmark is below average DAC, and the Plinius is average. Then play around with different speaker cables to see if you can hear a difference. I would not pay $2000 for room treatment. That's my opinion.

Yes, I've played with speaker placement a bit since originally posting this.  Keeping them about 8 feet apart now (max I can do with current furniture, etc) -- stage seems to be a bit wider.  Don't know how much more I can pull them out into the room though...  


What about the current system are you wanting to improve?

I've been wanting a wider stage with more depth (separation of instruments, etc).   Something more involving too.    That's not to say that I dislike the Forests, they are awesome speakers (that are a perfect match to the Plinius amp) thus the reason I've kept them for years.    I've also casually heard Dynaudios thru the years and have always been impressed with the staging.   Of course, after reading all these posts, I'm beginning to realize, swapping out the speakers may not necessarily be the first thing I need to do. 

wturkey73 posts05-29-2020 7:24pmThe later model 9200 also has a set of balanced inputs. The Oppo should have a set of balanced outputs. If not being utilized, one may notice a sonic improvement from these I/O's.

Unfortunately, I have one of the earlier 9200 versions with no balanced inputs.