Help with upgrade bug...

First time posting.   I've had this fairly satisfying system for some time now and am looking at upgrading to a higher end set of speakers.  Looking for a wider, deeper stage and possibly more involving presentation.  Listen to a lot of female vocals and acoustic music -- using XRCD and SACD, primarily.   

Oppo BDP 105
Benchmark DAC3 HGC (headphone or occasional Ipod/Mac duties)
Plinius 9200 integrated
Totem Acoustic Forest
Kimber Hero/8TC and Shunyata power cords
Monster HTS3600

Room is about 15x11 feet.   8 ft ceiling.   Current speakers are along the shorter wall, about 2 feet out, 6 feet apart.   

Budget probably around $5k, give or take (used or new).   I've been somewhat partial to standmounts but would not be totally opposed to another set of floor standers.   The low end extension of my Forests are for the most part, enough for my ears with the music I listen to.   If I do get standmounts, I wouldn't be totally opposed to adding a sub later on (although integrating them would be a different discussion altogether).  

I've looked considerably at the Dynaudio Confidence C1 (Platinum), Contour 20 or Special 40 (given I've heard good things about Plinius and Dynaudio synergy).   I've also considered the Joseph Audio Pulsars.   Unfortunately, demo possibilities are limited.  


While changing the power conditioner might indeed help the sound, I don’t believe it would improve the qualities you are asking for. It can reduce background noise, boost clarity and impact, but not so much the soundstage. I’m sure some have noticed improvements in their setups, but I’ve found the afore mentioned are where those changes help out. Improving your player is indeed a good suggestion. No experience with mod Wright myself, but have read great things for many years. I’d have to disagree with the idea that the Benchmark is a subpar DAC, for its price point, it’s very good. Everyone likes a different sound, so it might very well not be a good fit for some people for sure. Speakers of course can possibly make a big difference. One I found after looking for something more, like you are, years ago when auditioning huge numbers that left me all feeling blah, like they were just more of the same, was the Vandersteen 3a Signature. After all those years, they still hold up to just about anything out there, and can be found used well under your budget. Slightly over if new. They just sounded more open, less boxing and expanded the sound stage in a way that others did not. I had also listened to their top end at the time 5a and it just did not have that soundstage. The just updated their 2 series and those are also well within the budget, very similar design and sound, just don’t play as low. I do have Tekton Ulferberhts ready to replace the Vandersteens, but unfortunately won’t have the chance to do that until November, so no first hand knowledge of the Tekton sound. The reviews and praise for hat they do are the reason why I decided to try them without being able  to hear them, so the ones recommending them I believe are most likely correct in what they have to say about them. 
start with the free stuff like plugging straight into the wall and working with speaker placement, I think you will find significant change from both. You will find no agreement here as to whether even new high quality power conditioners harm or help sound quality...
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