The Vandy 1's are pretty sweet for the price, but just like bkeske found out, you end up looking at higher models.
Though not floor standers, the Vandy VLR's are a super buy.
With either, I would get a sub to enhance the bass. The older Vandy subs are great performers and have dropped in price now that the new Sub 3 has been introduced.
Unfortunately, I don't think your MD receiver has a preamp Out.
Regarding receivers, you can probably access those stations via the internet. Buy a Bluesound Node. When monies are available, get an Ayre Codex or Schiit Gungnir DAC. Using a streamer will allow you to access Tidal and Qobuz, too.
If it were me, I would buy the Vandy speakers and switch to a Belles Aria integrated, buy some AQ cables and a Vandy sub and be done with it.-Well, until upgraditis sneaks in again.😈