Note especially the section on “Loudspeaker Break-in”
Measurements do not support contention of break in or warm up being audible
Seems to be more measured difference between cables than “warmed up” speakers.
Now, anyone who disagrees, how about you show me/us the measurements that demonstrate the purported audible change that occurs when speakers "warm up"? Surely this has been proven time and again, right? We should have hundreds of sets of such measurements, right? This should be well documented, right? I suspect not, because it would have been very easy for you to provide such contrasting measurements were they available.
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe there are lots of sets of measurements out there proving that speakers change sound significantly during break in and warm up. Show them to me.
I do not need to provide measurements in order to show that human hearing is not absolutely stable. However, someone who wishes to show that electronics and speakers undergo audible changes due to warm up need to show measurements, imo, or there is no compelling reason to believe it. :)