$2500 Phono Stage Suggestions

My current phono is a Whest Two, VPI Classic with a Ortofon 2M Black MM cart. No plans to change the cart. anytime soon. The Fosgate, Parasound JC3 all seem to get good reviews along with the Sutherland 20/20. If I purchase thru Audio Advisor they have the Fosgate and PP3 with a 30 day return but I wont be able to compare only return one for the other. I will be calling a local dealer to see if can get a Fosgate demo. No complaints with the Whest just looking for a clear step up. Rest of my setup is Cary SLP03 tube pre, Spectron amp and B&W 802D speakers. Any others I should consider?
At your price point and based on what you are looking for, I would recommend a tube-based phono stage instead of the op-amp/solid state phono stages you mention.
I have a Sutherland 20/20. It's my fourth phono stage and I don't see a further upgrade in my future. I'm using it in a system where it would be the electronic weak link. No such worries.
Its a very impressive performer.