The scales fell from my eyes when I listened to my first van den Hul hybrid cables. I was in the hobby earlier, but took a long hiatus. I came back. Now is van den Hul my favorite cable? No. But, before I got back to the chair, I thought Wow. Then all his later cables came out. Naah. Not for me. But, in all the subjective listening, I still look at R, L, and C. And phase. I have yet to hear cables that can’t go back to some conflagration of measurements. We are only talking wire here. The crap gets real moving onto what’s connected at the ends of wire. But I still think much can be explained when you look at wire as what it is. Wire is a waveguide. Mr Tesla taught us that before there was hi-fi in any form. I still believe he was right. Is that everything? Nope. But it is the irrefutable base. Let the flames begin. But, I was buried in complex waveform analysis for work before I became just another audiophool. And I are one. The truth is somewhere between anti-cables and Machina Magica Mysteriosa. At those two extremes, I wonder that people pay money for it. We continue to get closer to truth and in the meantime, I will settle for fun. If it ain’t fun, who cares how it measures; they didn’t get it right. Now, moving beyond cable - it gets truly complex.