Ambient temp increase with tube amp

This is my first tube amp: Cary SQI-100. Who out there in audio land can shed some light on how hot these get? Factors? Placement, etc?
My thermostat is set at 72 and I recorded a temp of 93-101 at the bottom of the shelf above the amp. The amp is set up on open shelves in an alcove.
Temp recorded after trying a pair of new LRS for a couple of hours. I doubt that I'll keep these even though they sound great. I compared these with my Heresy IVs.  Might not be the best amp for the LRS? Volume with the Heresy IV's ~8 o'clock and about 3 o'clock with the LRS for the same listening level.

The LRS are 4 ohms and low sensitivity, so, yes, the amp will have to work harder. However, they should be up to the job but they’ll get warm. It's what tube amps do! If you can’t put them in a better ventilated spot, you might reconsider.
If it's actually a Cary SLI-100 I assume it has 4 having 4 100 watt lightbulbs under a shelf...they're supposed to be hot. My power amp is a far smaller single ended thing with only 2 power tubes and I give it and my tube preamp (4 tubes) lots of room in an open rack...
You might try having the tubes cryogenically treated. That will cool them way down.
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