Guess whose coming to Dinner?
Over the weekend here is the lineup:
Mark Levinson 380s, Mactone preamp, Meitner Switchman II,
Full Image preamp. The total retail is $40,000 when new.
Guess what was in front of all these great preamps?
No one laid any criticism on the Sony 2000es. Considering these guys have over 15 years in this hobby, I feel good that the Sony presentation was lucid for all to enjoy.
As for the pre shootout, each pre had a define sonic signature albeit there was a problem with the Levinson not having suitable warm up time (1 day) for it to smooth out.
Overall an enjoyable day for the 6 of us in my listening room. In my opinion the clear winner is the Sony and a CDR disc burned from an original LP copy of the "Modern Jazz Quartet Live at Carnegie Hall".