Someone above mentioned Kerr and Monopulse in the same post. I never heard of either one. Granted, if I did enough reading, I would know all about them. But finding them must be like finding a rare jewel. How do I listen to them? Do companies with high prices and low turnover send their private plane to pick me up?
Very funny. No. What companies with high prices and low volume do is plow 110% of their talent and ability together with almost all of their meager profits into making something so good people who care go to great lengths to search it out. Because it is indeed a rare jewel. And just like a rare jewel no matter what anyone says its all words and you never will understand until you experience it for yourself. Maybe not even then.
This is 30, 40 years of "living the life". Probably not one thing here you will recognize by name. Most of this stuff took a good long time to search out and get my hands on. Its not something you do in an afternoon. Its not even something you can just go out and buy. It really is "living the life."