How to measure pre amp for channel imbalance?

I want to check my pre-amp for a channel imbalance. With a voltmeter how would I do this? Would I just put the positive probe inside the rca and negative probe to ground and set the voltmeter to ac voltage and measure?
thanks Mike
Get a 60 Hz test signal.

Measure the voltage from center pin to center pin.

This is the easiest/most conveninent way.  If you measure center to shield, you have to take 2 measurements. :)

With preamp not in the system
Feed this into an "input L&R" of you preamp, turn up the volume on your preamp to where you normally listen to.
And measure the preamp "output" one channel first (center to outside rca) with an AC volt meter set to 2v full scale, then adjust the website volume so your at say 1v or 1.5v then measure the other channels output. to see if it’s the same.

Cheers George