Time to upgrade DACs

I am currently running a Marantz HD DAC-1 with a Bluesound Node 2i. With a $2,500 budget, I can't decide between the Benchmark DAC3 HGC and the Mytek HiFi Brooklyn DAC+. My streaming service is Qobuz. 

Please help me decide which one to go with and why? Other recommendations will also be appreciated.

My other equipment is YBA Integre DT amp (have 2 for bi-amping), Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home speakers, dual REL T9/i subs, good interconnects, speaker wires, and PCs. The room 15.5' X 20'  (sloped ceiling 8' at speaker end rising to 16') has been well treated with 10 X 4'x8'x4" acoustic panels.

My other quandary is whether or not to sell all off the speakers, ad the $2,500, and buy a new pair of Tekton Design Moabs and keep the Marantz HD DAC-1 for now.

Thanks for your help!

I'm generally not in the speaker-first camp, however, in your case...given the 'provenance' of your Sonus Faber speakers...moving to something like the Tekton Design Moabs that you are considering, is the wiser choice.

Start there, as @jriggy  is correctly pointing out.
First, what type of improvements are you looking for over what you have now, and what sound characteristics of system performance overall are most important to you?  Without that info this is all just a crapshoot. Also, the Sonus GPs are good speakers but radically different in design and sound from the Moab. What has pointed you in that direction?
I am looking for a bigger-fuller sound with really good imaging. I have heard a lot of good things about the Moabs on this forum and elsewhere, but have not heard them.
So your correct it would be a bit of a crap-shoot... Not sure what to do but got the "upgrade bug".
I dragged home the Marantz HD DAC1 and thought it was nice. Not knowing your speakers I would agree it might make sense to sell them off with the subs, take that money along with the $2500 and visit speakers. No doubt a better DAC may get you what you’re looking for but speakers may get you more of it for less. I recall the Marantz has a nice full, warm analog presentation so I question it’s the component to address first.

I’m sure your SF are no slouches either for the money but no doubt differences between DACs can be splitting hairs but I’ve never compared speakers with each other and couldn’t hear the difference immediately. 
Rather than solve the dilemma, speakers or DAC, let me suggest a 2-300$ alternative: a super re-energizer & reclocker like the one I use. (Fantastic little device, kudos to my dealer!) You should expect a fuller sound with better hi & low-end extension from your current DAC

The reclocker lives between the source and the dac and cleans USB noise, energy, & phase issues. -
In fact, I now daisy-chained two 3Rs and gave up on replacing the DAC (for now).

Check the improvement such a device makes and decide if you still want to change the DAC. Even if you spring for a new DAC you will still keep the reclocker -- it is useful even on a 100k MSB (I tried my 3R on one). Regards