OK guys if you insist, an easy example . Every serious thinker in Europe, to include some of the highest pols in France, knew laying the sole blame, and cost, on Germany for WWI would make its continuation, aka WW II, inevitable and said so loud and clear in the early 20's. In reality there was enough blame to go around for everyone, but Germany, though guilty, was the least guilty of the bunch.
Financial interests in Paris and New York, with much help from Calvin Coolidge, refused to take their boot off the German neck . Germany was driven into the ground by "reperarations" without which no one would ever have heard of Hitler.
WW II was hardly sporatic, was preventable, and was foreseen 15 years before it started by MANY .
Nearly everything is foreseeable for those who wish to see it. Gazing at one's navel as the measure of reality gives you a limited view. Pollyanna died at Auschwitz, she committed suicide.Left no note, which was just as well.
Financial interests in Paris and New York, with much help from Calvin Coolidge, refused to take their boot off the German neck . Germany was driven into the ground by "reperarations" without which no one would ever have heard of Hitler.
WW II was hardly sporatic, was preventable, and was foreseen 15 years before it started by MANY .
Nearly everything is foreseeable for those who wish to see it. Gazing at one's navel as the measure of reality gives you a limited view. Pollyanna died at Auschwitz, she committed suicide.Left no note, which was just as well.