All difference perceived one by one can be illusory, but after my 2 years of home made systematic experiments in listening sessions, the negative or positive changes reveal themselves very swiftly and in an obvious way... At the end the increase S.Q. is staggering with the exact SAME E.C. (electronic components).
For the memory of sound, my first helper is my subconscious emotion analysis, I dont listen only to sound that I consciously recorded (this kind of memory is very short lived), I listen to myself where something in me, gives to me through the emotions the sensation for the recognized right sounding direction....This is the basis for my very good sound memory but this memory is not direct experience recorded, it is the affective memory of the sound impact in my body, not the sound itself....This memory is not foolproof and must be trained...
In the beginning I had no words for many subtle dimensional vatiations in sounds, but between the direct sound experience and the names there is the emotional body, ans this emotional-body linked to the ears-body is the sherpa for the journey toward the apex of the mountain and this emotional body gives his living content to the abstract name or concept.... In linguistic there is 2 polarities: the idea and the body dimension of the living speech, none of them is reducible to the others; music and emotions are their complex playground interpenetrations...And the cosmos-world and the body are also a polarity....Goethe after Humboldt in linguistic is the great thinker in these matters and the true and most profound phenomenologist....A Newton of the living world so to speak....
«Emotions dont need proofs» - Groucho Marx