What is the best USED Speaker Under $10,000


Considering AudiogoN prices - You can buy many fantastic used $20,000+ Speakers for under the magic $10,000 level.

This is really a different topic than previous questions in this forum.

I've bought Avalon Eidolons, Joseph Audio Pearls, Wilson Watt Puppy 6's and others for (slightly) under 10K

I would love to hear from other A'goners their opinions on what are the best you can do - for under 10K (Or even a "little bit more").

Thanks for sharing your opinions!
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Thank you for all the input. I like speakers with punch, detail and wide dispersion. I've listened to a few brands. Focal Aria 936 on Yamaha sounded fat and bloated to me. I'm leaning towards Paradigm Persona B with a sub, as my wife has nuked the idea of large speakers. Focal Sopra were nice, but couldn't justify the money to go from Persona to Sopra. My challenge with buying used (and all of your suggestions) is I'd really like to hear them before purchasing, and that's nearly impossible with so many brands. Second issue is matching of components. I really need the help of a good retailer to match the right amp and cable configurations (usually found as a result of trying different combinations). Hence, I think I may need to bite the bullet and buy new from the limited selection available from the retailers within reach.
I personally have never cared for the Magico house sound.  I prefer a little more warmth and extension.  For my money, a used pair of Legacy Focus SE, followed by a Legacy Whisper.  But I would take the Focus SE if given the choice