Anyone bi-amping with the Behringer DCX 24/96 ?

If you have, I'm interested in your experience and impressions. How transparent is the Behringer DCX 24/96 and what amps are you using?

I presently have passive VMPS RM2's and I'm thinking of upgrading and doing the bi-amp thing rather than putting big money into passive crossover caps. I just don't know if it will be worth the extra clutter and complexity. Is the DCX difficult to set up and operate? Anyone?
Guys, many thanks for your replies and insights. I think at this point I am leaning more toward keeping a single-amped passive crossover system.

I am running a quad amp arangement. I crossover at 80, 425, and 3550. I am using a dbx pa crossover. The dbx is the weak link in my rig.

Has anyone upgraded the Behringer? Specifically what about http//www.asi-tek.comthis guys approach? I could upgrade to the tubed Marchand crossover,but you lose flexablity with the crossover set points and the ability to set up latency or frequency delays.

Any thoughts?
I am running a quad amp arangement. I crossover at 80, 425, and 3550. I am using a dbx pa crossover. The dbx is the weak link in my rig.

Has anyone upgraded the Behringer? Specifically what about http// this guys approach? I could upgrade to the tubed Marchand crossover,but you lose flexablity with the crossover set points and the ability to set up latency or frequency delays.

Any thoughts?