Fuses in the 3 speed SME PSU

I have a model 20/2 table serial # 1173 and wish to upgrade the PSU with Hi-Fi Tuning fuses. There are 3 in the unit and my question is, which of the 3 are most critical to the performance of the unit as I cannot afford to upgrade all at this stage.
Many thanks gents!
I had asked SME the same question and their response is similar to yours.
Plan abandoned.
No I did not vusi, but SME overbuilds their equipment and I trust their engineers not to do anything that would downgrade their performance especially something as silly as a cheap fuse.
Audiophiles are constantly looking for relatively inexpensive ways to improve the performance of their equipment. My approach has always been not to take short cuts and save money to upgrade important things like cartridges, speakers and amps.
Fuses are directional? So what will happen if those fuses installed in wrong direction on the turntable PSU?
Nothing wrong with Buss fuses! To believe otherwise is to be a hopeless neurotic in need of therapy!
I have Synergistic Research Orange fuses throughout my system. Before that it was Blue. Both are so clearly directional, and better than Buss, that I have to believe anyone unable to hear this should seriously consider another hobby. Can't speak for any others, haven't tried Hi-Fi Tuning, but Blue and Orange are very good value for money. 

Except for the ones inside my Verus turntable motor controller. There's two in there and the improvement is so slight I would have sent them back, were it not for the fact they were freebies included when buying something else. 

So imagine, a guy who can hear directionality, hear fuses, and is even able to evaluate their relative performance in different components. Why make up a story like that? I'm sure the deniers will come up with something.