Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?

There are two interesting 80K$ tube amps on sale at Audiogon.


The first one is David Berning OTL design with output of 60 Watts.

it looks beautiful. But I had never used OTL amp yet.

I am curious how it sounds with high efficiency speaker.


The second one is Jadis JA800 with 6 pieces and 400watts.

I had used JA500  (only 4 pieces with 350 Watts) from 2000 to 2002 to drive B&W Notilus 801 with utmost authority and unbelievable slam.

It was kind of lifetime experience to own this beautiful and overbearing monster.

But I could not use it during summer time in modest size room.

Thus I let it go and got Silbatone 300B SET amp to drive efficient full range speaker.

350 Watt to 8 Watt

If you have money or hit the Jackpot, which one will you go for?


I know were not paying for the parts in the box, but is there even $10K worth of stuff in them?

Will they sound okay with the supplied power cords and fuses?

I haven't checked my Powerball numbers yet.
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I know were not paying for the parts in the box, but is there even $10K worth of stuff in them?

tablejockey, I don't know about the OTL, but there is $10k worth of shipping in the Jadis!


i’m not suggesting you don’t have a right to express your opinion. but then others can disagree, or express feelings that you are simply dismissing a product based on your view on the legitimacy to spend the dollars on hifi. not on the merits of the product, or that you think there are better hifi products for the money.

you don’t go on a Porsche forum, or Alfa forum, and dismiss those products simply because they are expensive. you would not consider that.

why do it here?

i’m just a guy with an opinion like you.
Ill buy both then A/B them and sell the loser.DREAM ON!!!Get the Jadis 845SE from the Skyfi turkey its only 25k a bargain to be sure.