Big source improvement using CD player

I borrowed a friend's esoteric dv50s CD player.  I could not believe the difference between it and streaming Spotify premium.  I am now in the market for a CD player.  One thing, the esoteric does not play DVD-R.  Can anyone recommend a comparable CD player in the used market that does? I'm looking in the $800 - $1500 range.  
You’ve got an answer for everything. What about this, what about that? I am familiar with that game. 
I am not the one making the easily proven hypothesis for which you can offer no proof. Don't blame me for that. That is on you.
I don’t have to prove anything. If you’re so smart prove me wrong, Mr. Smarty Pants. 👖 Betcha can’t. So far you’ve been shooting blanks. Perfect Sound Forever. Yeah, sure, pal. 
No. But it would sure be nice if you could prove you have a system.