I did a mini comparison of 3 aftermarket power cables on the TRL SA14 yesterday and was surprised at how big (and different) an impact they had! One gave the TRL SA14 a "classical" tube sound -- less treble/bass extension, a bit slow, nice bloomy midrange. Another gave a stereotypical SS sound -- very extended, great PRaT but thin midrange. The last was a nicely balanced mix of the first 2, plus slightly more precise imaging... but unfortunately it was the most expensive cable ($750)! My friend who lent me the $750 cable also has a cheaper cable from the same maker (~$200) and I've asked him how the sound compares... At this point, I haven't sent my SA14 back to TRL for the free update, which I understand will improve dynamics, upper bass and flesh out the midrange (round trip shipping will cost me about $300 from Hong Kong).