Why no Virtual System pics??

I’m surprised that not more people have pictures off their set-ups... there are very few contributors, some regular contributors, some long time members, with zero pictures of their systems..
Why do you think that is?  Are they worried that someone is going to steal their stereo because they see pictures of it?  Or are people ashamed of their systems?  
I don’t get it.  It’s much easier to understand where someone is coming from when you see their setup!

post some pictures people!!!  Sheesh

It’s like showing up to the basket ball court with no ball.  Going to the ski slopes, sittin in the lodge, talking about how awesome the powder is with no ski’s.  
At least here in California, water cooled P car values still sink like a rock unless it is very rare... 3 years old, low miles, half of MSRP.... kinda like esoteric stereo gear...

air cooled is an entirely different matter...
it seems that the 991 series is holding strong. owned a 16’ CS2 for 2 years and sold it losing 10% only. hard to quibble with that.

bought and sold it 'right' of course.

way more car than previous versions however the viewpoints on the rarity.
Uber - I became aware of the 914 in 1976 when it could navigate the hairpin S in front of the local HS at full song... my recollection is the Trans AM just about hit the building.... that led me down a path, several really including of course Lotus ( really nothing ticks a P car driver off more than to be bested  by A lotus, auto cross, you name it...
but yes, it was for a time popular to cram a Chevy small block in there...
I am actually contemplating a P car for down here - people actually drive them... 2.0 parked in front the other day w surfboard out the targa... how fun

Yes rarity and buy right, always a mantra !!!

my 996 X-50 sticker was $152 bought Tacoma 2.5 years in for $72
ouch for somebody....