PMC EB1i v. Thiel CS3.7 v. Pioneer S1-EX v. ???

I'm starting to look at speakers in the $10-16K range, new. These three are high on the list, along with used Vandie 5As. Tyler D20s and the new AZ Crescendos also interest me. Anyone have the chance to compare some or all of these fine speakers?

They'll be driven by Mac MC501 amps + C2300 pre. I listen mostly to '50s &'60s jazz, with some classic rock, bluegrass, and folk. 90% of the time I listen to vinyl on this rig. The room is 28x17x8, opening into hallways at both corners along the long wall behind the speakers (so no real bass issues in those corners). It's a hard room softened with 9 acoustic panels and two bass traps.

My listening priorities for this system are macro- and micro-dynamics, nuance, tonal purity, and realistic scale. I'd like the speakers to disappear while projecting a 3D soundstage and solid low frequency pressure into the room. (The Thiels would likely need a sub.) They'll also have to serve the 60-inch plasma TV on the wall 4 feet behind them in a 2-channel, pseudo-home theater set up. Not much to ask, I know.... :)

I can get a great local price on EB1is but I don't want the deal to make the call. Of course, I'll audition all of them eventually but it's impossible to find them all in one place--or even more than one. So I'd like to draw on the experience of this knowledgeable group as I make my way.

I feel it's a huge risk not being able to listen to the speakers first hand and bringing them home based on recommendations on the forum. Having said that, judging from your description the Thiel CS3.7 may be a better choice than the PMC EB1i. I have listened to the EB1i couple of times and although they sound very full and controlled with exceptionally deep bass, they are not the last word in micro-dynamics, nuance and tonal purity. The PMCs have good macro-dynamics, impressive scale and can go loud though. As Shadorne mentioned, the IB2i is at another level with higher degree of transparency probably due to the quality soft dome midrange driver. Unfortunately it is out of your price range and may not be optimally driven by the Mac amps.

The Thiel CS3.7s are on the analytical side with a lot of high-end detail. A friend who's ears I trust felt that the 3.7s presentation is too forward and bright. It's probably due to the room and electronics though. Your Macintosh amps which lean more towards warmth and smoothness may combine well with the Thiels.

At the sort of price range you're looking at I urge you to consider all your options carefully. Apart from Sophia III you might want to look at the Magico as well.

Good luck.
Petesm and Ryder: Thanks for your reflections. In the PMC line up, I'm starting to think the IB2i is the way to go if I can swing the price. I've never heard the Sophias buy I'll look into them.
I have heard the Vandersteen 5a, the Thiel 3.7 and the Acoustic Zen. I preferred the Crescendos. From my experience, they would fulfill your priority list. Your room is suffciently large which would be a good fit.

Last time I was in the Bay Area (your area) I went to an audio store in Palo Alto called The New Audible Difference. They have the Thiel CS3.7 and the Thiel SS2 Sub. I have listened to that speaker about 5 hours without the Sub and 1 hour with the Sub (during the course of a few store visits). The rest of the gear was SS Classe pieces.

I decided that for my musical tastes the 3.7's did not need a sub (Pop, Rock, Reggae, etc..). I actually hated the sub with music, it gave me a headache. My previous speaker was the Revel Salon1 so I am used to fantastic low frequency sound. For my music, the Thiel was amazing without a Sub. A very exciting sounding speaker (made my feet move).

However, for Home Theatre I will get a not so expensive Sub such as the Paradigm Seismic 110. I will eventually have Thiel CS 3.7 + 3 Thiel SCS4's + a HT sub. I will get a Sub here just as a precaution against speaker damage.

Yes, I will purchase the speakers from the dealer whom I auditioned them.
Since you have PMC on your list I would suggest that you look into active speakers from ATC.
Large 3-way active PMCs (not just activated) are out of your price range, but active ATC 50/100 could be found used for that $.
Reason I am mentioning this is that I have owned and/or auditioned many of PMCs and ATCs in both active and passive version and active ones always sound considerably better, without exception.