PMC EB1i v. Thiel CS3.7 v. Pioneer S1-EX v. ???

I'm starting to look at speakers in the $10-16K range, new. These three are high on the list, along with used Vandie 5As. Tyler D20s and the new AZ Crescendos also interest me. Anyone have the chance to compare some or all of these fine speakers?

They'll be driven by Mac MC501 amps + C2300 pre. I listen mostly to '50s &'60s jazz, with some classic rock, bluegrass, and folk. 90% of the time I listen to vinyl on this rig. The room is 28x17x8, opening into hallways at both corners along the long wall behind the speakers (so no real bass issues in those corners). It's a hard room softened with 9 acoustic panels and two bass traps.

My listening priorities for this system are macro- and micro-dynamics, nuance, tonal purity, and realistic scale. I'd like the speakers to disappear while projecting a 3D soundstage and solid low frequency pressure into the room. (The Thiels would likely need a sub.) They'll also have to serve the 60-inch plasma TV on the wall 4 feet behind them in a 2-channel, pseudo-home theater set up. Not much to ask, I know.... :)

I can get a great local price on EB1is but I don't want the deal to make the call. Of course, I'll audition all of them eventually but it's impossible to find them all in one place--or even more than one. So I'd like to draw on the experience of this knowledgeable group as I make my way.

Yes, amplification is Class D, I am not certain but I believe it is Hypex. The choice was probably driven by space, low heat generation and power consumption. It is quite possible that digital cross-over is also Hypex job, but it is only my somewhat educated guess. I believe it is beneficial to have TL on the opposite side of LF driver and this was part of the redesign. The oval shaped grill is there to minimize diffraction. All in all it seems well thought out design.
In regard to active PMCs not showing up on used market while ATCs do, it is understandable, truly active PMCs are huge and very expensive beasts, this new active IB2S is PMCs smallest and first 3 way truly active (not just powered, or “activated” as they call them) in domestically manageable size. On the other hand ATC has quite a nice lineup of actives, from domestically manageable sizes up to their beasties. So I am not surprised you see more of active ATCs on Audiogon. On the other hand you have many more passive PMCs for sale for obvious reasons.
In a remotely related matter, I had the opportunity to hear the PB-1 yesterday at a presentation in Rochester, NY.

The bottom end extension was terrific, far beyond what I expected to hear from such a relatively small speaker. The mids and highs were also both superb. Considering the room was totally untreated they were very impressive.

I was hoping to hear the IB-1s IB-2, or IB-2s but they did not display anything larger than the PB-1. :-((
Audiofeil, I purchased my IB2i's from Audioclassics in Vestal, NY. I'm pretty sure they have the IB2 (non-i version) and EB1i's available for demo if you ever are in that area.
I auditioned the IB2i in my system for several days last week. Very impressive speakers, especially the midrange, which is perhaps the best I've heard. The mid driver's combination of clarity and warmth without coloration is truly excellent, and the main reason to own this speaker, IMO. Bass foundation and texture were also top-notch. I wasn't as impressed with the HF dispersion, as the soundstage seemed a little shortened. But overall the speaker is incredibly accurate and detailed without becoming sterile, and the drivers are very well-integrated. Ultimately, it might be a bit too analytical for my taste, in the sense that it is more oriented toward presenting everything in the grooves than the overall gestalt of the musical experience. But it is a very impressive speaker. I'll add that I thought it did not mate well with McIntosh MC501 amps, which made for a surprisingly boring sound. However, my pure class A Reference Line Silver Sig amp and Bent AVC passive preamp brought the sound very much to life.