Passive Bookshelf Speaker Selection

Putting together a first set-up for exclusively turntable listening. I have narrowed things down to the Fluance RT-85 and NAD C 316BEE but am getting stuck with passive bookshelf speakers. Originally was set on the Klipsch RP-600ms but am having second thoughts given concerns about the potential fatigue and overbearing brightness; I’m wondering if I should go for another option in the $500 range or stick with the Klipsch, which I can get for under 500. I’m considering the KEF Q150s, PSB Alpha P5s, ELAC Debut 2.0 B6.2s, and B&W 607s. Looking for good dynamics that aren’t overwhelming but also warmth.  

Ideally, I’d love to go test any of these out but that’s unfortunately not an option right now. 

I listen mostly to rock and indie/alternative, and the room is roughly 13x17 ft. 

Should I get the Klipsch or head in a different direction? Any help would be appreciated. 

Given the 40wpc of the NAD316BEE and concerns about possible listening fatigue, I would lean towards the PSB or Wharfdale recommendations. Both are relatively easy to drive and polite in the higher frequencies.  
ALL speakers on the market are broken because they never consulted me when designing them.
That tells you ALL you need to know about this guy.....
Maybe the Buchardt S300 if you have to keep the volume low and the s400 if you can rock them out a little more. Also you cannot go wrong with Phil Jones ELAC speakers. Good luck and don’t forget to add atleast two subwoofers down the road. 
I paired the NAD  C 316BEE with ELAC Debut 6.2 speakers and they sounded rich and balanced.  Great soundstage for the price. My turntable was a Linn Axis.  Unfortunately I had to return the NADs because the model upgrade had exchanged the rec out with a turntable input and I was digitizing my records at the time.  But I was very happy with the sound.