PMC EB1i v. Thiel CS3.7 v. Pioneer S1-EX v. ???

I'm starting to look at speakers in the $10-16K range, new. These three are high on the list, along with used Vandie 5As. Tyler D20s and the new AZ Crescendos also interest me. Anyone have the chance to compare some or all of these fine speakers?

They'll be driven by Mac MC501 amps + C2300 pre. I listen mostly to '50s &'60s jazz, with some classic rock, bluegrass, and folk. 90% of the time I listen to vinyl on this rig. The room is 28x17x8, opening into hallways at both corners along the long wall behind the speakers (so no real bass issues in those corners). It's a hard room softened with 9 acoustic panels and two bass traps.

My listening priorities for this system are macro- and micro-dynamics, nuance, tonal purity, and realistic scale. I'd like the speakers to disappear while projecting a 3D soundstage and solid low frequency pressure into the room. (The Thiels would likely need a sub.) They'll also have to serve the 60-inch plasma TV on the wall 4 feet behind them in a 2-channel, pseudo-home theater set up. Not much to ask, I know.... :)

I can get a great local price on EB1is but I don't want the deal to make the call. Of course, I'll audition all of them eventually but it's impossible to find them all in one place--or even more than one. So I'd like to draw on the experience of this knowledgeable group as I make my way.

Wrm57, Did you find the bass in the IB2i more controlled versus the EB1i? I found the Eb1i's were too bassy for my modest sized listening room. I've always used McIntosh amplification (currently MC352 with c2300) so I have no reference for comparison, but you have sparked my curiousity regarding Class A amplification!
I haven't auditioned the EB1i yet. I might next week, but I might just pass it up. The IB2i midrange driver is what I'd want in the PMC brand, I can tell that already.
I do not own the EB1i but have listened to it couple of times. Similarly I find the bass to be too much, feels a bit bloated. The bass on the IB2i should be more controlled and at a higher level.
I've heard another person (an owner) that about the EB1i bass, too, in his modest-sized room.
I've been able to keep the IB2i at home for another week and I'm starting to think this is the speaker for me. I'm just amazed at its honesty, composure, and dynamic ease and high and low volumes. Nothing hidden, nothing exaggerated, and absolutely no listener-fatigue during long sessions.

Now I'm thinking about it's slightly larger sibling, the MB2i. Would those who've heard the two please comment on their differences? I know the MB drops down 5 db lower to 20 Hz via that scary-looking bass driver with the exoskeleton. Anything else different in their tonal balances, presentation, or HF dispersion?
