Focal Aria 906 opinions?

Anyone with direct experience with these? Have a potential good deal brewing, but have no chance to listen first hand. 
Good call! When you upgrade your amp try and get something with high current, lots of capacitance. They look efficient on paper but my experience says they like a bit of power otherwise the bass is flabby. 
I had another thread open, but any good integrated amp recommendations in the $1k usd range (new or used)?

No tubes please, not ready for that level of fiddling :)
Well if you can live with severely stripped down and no remote I would think the Odyssey Audio Cyclops would sound great with those. Good parts and build quality with some balls. 
Well, since I am sure you all are curious, ha ha ha, I have the Focals set up and pumping out music.

Normally folks would gush and say how happy they are with their choice, that the sound instantly changed for the better. And while I am happy with these speakers, it has taken a fair bit of time to maneuver them around to extract good sound, or at least live up to my expectations.

Better than my previous Elacs for sure, but I had lived with those friends for a couple of years, and was super comfortable with what they did and how they did it.

Wasn't love at first hear. I do enjoy them, but with any upgrade I feel it takes time to dial it in. Still dialing, it's a slow burn. But a good burn...