What's a better choice? Manley Steelhead Phono or Audio Research Reference 2SE Phono?

I would like your opinions and rational please.  I currently have the Manley BUT have an opportunity to pick up the AR

                           BTW I am a soundstage freak!  I would sacrifice for a holographic stage!

Gear I'm using:
Audio Research REF 5se Pre
Bryston 28b sst2 Amps
Thorens TD 125LB with Ortofon per Winfeld Ti and A95 Carts
Goldenear Reference Speakers...

Ag insider logo xs@2xrikintpa
have owned both the chinook and steelhead. Like you was upgrading a year ago. Listened to the ARC and VTL. ended up with the VTL TP 6.5 signature. may want to add that to your list.
Steelhead has 3 pairs of phono inputs, not just 2.  If that matters.  If balanced output is important to you, I would check whether the AR unit has a true balanced output or just a balanced out derived from its inherently SE circuitry.  In the latter case, the balanced outputs may actually be inferior to the SE outputs, for absolute fidelity.
Well the deed is done!  I have sold my Manley and bought a REF 2se I pick it up Sunday...I have had many, many enjoyable years with the Steelhead I just think I have maxed out my Utility with it.  I have to say I am a bit nervous because of the unknown with the AR BUT I do believe that Synergy will be the tip in the right direction.  I do use Balanced Out's and the AR is a fully balanced design and I will say the Steel head is errrr....was the only piece of gear I had left single ended.  Now we shall see if my Cart(s) like the AR as much as my Steelhead! I really do appreciate the varied opinions and ideas I get from fellow enthusiasts! 
Old post but just noticed I have been enjoying my Ref2se but was curious what you think now that you made change.