Two Canadians and a Dane walk into a bar.... (bookshelf advice)

Sorry about the intro, but I have gotten the itch to upgrade my current Acoustic Energy Aegis Evo One bookshelf speakers. Current amp is a 40w Jolida 202A with upgraded tubes and the room is small - 13’x11’. My music is everything from Jack White to Miles Davis.

Years ago I sampled many budget bookshelf models and was drawn to the laid back sound of the soft dome tweeters used in my AE’s.

This time around I am considering the Totem Sky, Dynaudio Special Forty and Reference 3A De Capo. I have not heard the BE - Beryllium tweeters used in the Reference 3A’s.

There is a large range in efficiency between the De Capos and the Forties. How much should these numbers factor into my decision?

Has anyone compared any of these side by side? Any other other recommendations?

I am also interested in the respective “little brother” speakers - Evoke 10 & 3A Dulcet. These more cost effective options may work well in this room size.

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You’ve got some good recommendations here.  I’d shy away from the Totems and Dyns because your amp may not have enough juice to get them to fully open up, and I’ll put in a recommendation for the new LSA-10 Signatures that are on sale here now for $1799/pr. new by the manufacturer.  They have a silk-dome tweeter and are getting some very favorable initial reviews, and they offer a 30-day, in-home trial, which is huge.  Best of luck in your search. 
Totem and Dynaudio are not tube amp friendly.   DeCapo is rumored to be more so but the specs published have been questioned as making them appear more efficient than they are. 
Personally I would look no further than Fritz  speakers for an affordable stand mount model that sounds great and is designed to be an easy load for most any amp. 
Vandersteen VLR signature - with the famous carbon tweeter and a very easy tube amp friendly load.

Vandersteen model 1 is very easy to drive at 6 ohm’s impedance.Very spacious soundfield.You can find them used for two to three hundred.Floor standers about 36" tall.