Trying to decide on a tuner - Mcintosh MR88 / Magnum Dynalab 108T / Magnum Dynalab 90T SE

Hello everyone! I have been running myself in circles on trying to find a tuner for the last few weeks. At this point, I realized that I need to get the input of others.

The best option would have been to listen to them and decide, but given the state of the world right now, that seems very unlikely. So as much as I dislike buying something sight "unheard" it may be the only option I have.

I currently have mostly McIntosh gear for my 2-channel setup (Mcintosh MC452/C2600 driving a pair of Wilson Sasha DAW. My sources are Mcintosh MT-10, MCT450, Sony HapZ1es with the Modwright Truth Mod). The only source I am missing is a tuner.

I am about 15-20 miles away from SF and in the hills, giving me pretty good reception without an external antenna. And being a Jazz nut, we have 2-3 good jazz stations in my area, not to mention the nearby college radio stations.


I have 3 options under consideration:

1) McIntosh MR88
2) Magnum Dynalab 108T,
3) Magnum Dynalab 90T SE with an upgrade to the audio section to the 105.

Usually, there is a steep difference in price between the MR88 and the 108T but because they are not brand new, the difference is far less.

The Mcintosh MR88 is a show demo from Mcintosh, essentially a brand new unit that was demoed at the audio show and boxed up. McIntosh found the unit in their warehouse after MR88 was discontinued and transferred it to another party to sell. I also have other Mac gear so it would look aesthetically good together but that should not be the only reason to buy one piece of equipment over another. It is being offered to me at 3.9k
I have heard really good things about Magnum Dynalabs, though I have not had the opportunity to hear one in person. There are two that I am considering from Magnum Dynalab - the MD108T and the MD90T SE.

The MD108T is in good condition, though probably used a little more than the McIntosh was. I believe the unit that is being offered to me is either a demo or a trade-in, but in either case, it is evident that the unit was well taken care of. It is being offered at 4.5k.

The 90T SE is an interesting option, as it has been given an audio upgrade to the 105. It is priced at $2.3k. I am not sure what difference there is between the 90T SE with the upgrades and the 108T.

My interest is mainly focused on sound, performance, background noise reduction, and operation. Which sounds better, which works better, is able to detect more, better at eliminating or decreasing background noise, etc. I am not married to any particular company more than another, but if the sound quality is pretty much all the same then there is little reason to not stick with McIntosh. 

Any insight would be appreciated.
Let me try to help.  I have owned 3 Magnum Dynalab tuners, the Etude, MD90, MD102. They were all good tuners and sound quality was excellent.  I used them with the Magnum Dynalab ST2 antenna.  In 2018, I purchased a slightly used McIntosh MR88 tuner and the difference in sound quality compared to the Magnum tuners  Is off the charts. The Mac tuner is dead quiet, pulls in more stations and is just a joy to use and own. I am listening to it now.   This tuner sounds much better than it should, very organic sounding and never any hiss, just pure and clean FM.  The McIntosh will always hold its value and will be an easy sell if you ever decided to go that route. 
A little of track, since you have the MD tubed units under consideration, consider the Mac MR 71. It was their top dog.

I've been using one I found here on Agon. Best $750 I spent on audio gear. Subjectively, the most "natural sounding" in the lineup. To my ears, also beats any MD I've heard.
I would start at $900.

As mentioned, easy resell if need be. A proper roof antennae is paramount for performance, but you can get away with a decent indoor if you're limited.
Stereo5, that's a good point. 

Well the 90T SE is out of the running then. The 108T seems to be a big step above the MD102 though. There was a good review of the MD108T compared to the MR88 on AA:

It does seem like the MR88 is a better overall choice for the available variety compared to the FM only MD108T. May want to get an internet radio or streamer from Magnum Dynalab sometime down the line, but I think the MR88 is a better option right now, and as you said, if I decide I don't care for it, I think I can offload it pretty easily.

Thanks for your input.