Magico M9 The new 'norm' in speakers

Magico has just debuted its new model...the M9. Weighing in at 1000 Lbs ( pity those who have to move it) and being almost 8' tall!
Luckily, they are bringing this speaker in at a bargain basement price designed to appeal to the masses...and unlike the other models in their line, financing won't be needed. Yes, for just $750,000- you can own one of these new models. 
This is certainly looking like the new 'norm' for many speaker manufacturer's. Luckily most of us have this as pocket change...luckily.
Place pre order before they run out of stock.

Even my house in rural area fetch more than 1 M$.

iI I sell my house and buy this one, I will have enough cash to buy condo for elderly.

Can I play this guy in condo?

Is there any elderly discount for M9?
I see lots of armchair critics here talking about something they have not heard. I am sure they will sell every one they make, there are a lot of very rich people in this world. This is the same as the Audiophile group I am in on Facebook. As of last count, there were about 60 posts and 90% of them are negative. One guy said it’s “junk”. If I had the money and room for them, I would own them and a few other Uber expensive speakers as well. Too many jealous people in these forums.

Here is an idea, listen to them before you condemn them. Without seeing and hearing them, anything said is pure speculation and probably way off.
I’m sure they sound fantastic and are quite the statement piece.
I think the issue is that people have a hard time fathoming $800K speakers.

Don’t know why. After all this is a high end audio site and you don’t get much more high end than that. 

I’ve heard systems costing that much. Very nice but way overkill for most rooms though the bling factor is quite high as expected.