Monitor speakers for true bookshelf location

I’m hoping to get some ideas about the type of speaker I should consider getting starting with rear ported or not..  The speakers are to be placed at ear level but literally on bookshelves with perhaps a foot and a half between the speaker and the wall. Budget is under $3000 but I prefer to spend less than $2000.  

My understanding is that rear ported speakers May not sound as good too close to the wall. I’m sure there are exceptions Of course. Could I consider a ported design and simply plug or partially plug the port with the provided foam plug if the bass is augmented too much due to the proximity to the wall? Or should I go with a non-ported design to begin with?
The speakers are not going to be for critical listening but of course I want them to sound good and they are in general not going to be played at high volumes so I need some thing that will sound great at low to moderate volumes. Primarily The music selection will be smooth jazz, or contemporary music with focus on female and male voices. Some rock also..  Will likely partner these with a a Lyngdorf integrated amp with streaming Tidal and using RoomPerfect for room correction as an option.  
Look forward to your feedback thanks 
👍 on the Spendors or Atc.  They’re both awesome speakers.  Doubt you’d be disappointed with either 😁
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The new Scansonic MB1-Bs are front ported.  They were recently re-designed and do well close to the wall.  I have a pair on the way from Denmark right now in Black.  The Scansonic tweeter is truly special and will work brilliantly with your Lyngdorf.  
If you are in the US, they are comfortably on your budget, brilliant speaker and if you don’t like them, I take them back within 30 days.  Your risk is like $60 for return shipping.