mglik, you and I use our systems in the same way. Although I do have a 500 Wpc Class D amp for my front speakers, I mostly listen using the newly-purchased 3C24 stereo amp built by Paul Birkeland.
This new amp has outclassed every other amp that came before it, including 300 Wpc Aragon, VAC 35.35, and even an SET 845 amp. Somehow, this low-power design has a similar sound to my sweet sounding SET 300 B, yet greater ability to deliver incredible impact when called upon. Best amp I've ever heard driving my Tannoy HPD 315 speakers, custom built, but they were originally made in 1975.
They have never sounded better. The amp can be seen on my Virtual System, if you care to look. Also, Paul is not my friend, but has had an enormous influence in making my system, at this time, how I've always wanted it to sound when I started this journey over forty years ago.
Best of luck finding what you need, regards,