***Education On Separates***

 Hey,so I can't seem to find the front end I want in an all in 1 integrated amp/DAC but I did find an amazing Preamp/DAC/Headphone that REALLY tickles my fancy..The Gold Note DS-10 & BONUS points it's a really small unit,just what I want...So for an amplifier I'm thinking either the Schiit Audio Vidar(100wpc x 2 @8ohms/200wpc @ 4ohms) OR the Pure Class A "Aegir"version(20wpc.x2 @ 8ohms/40wpc.@4ohms),which are also pint sized power houses....Concerning system synergy what do I need to look at as far as compatibility between these power amps & the Gold Note preamp?Thanks much,take care...
^^^ Yes but I’m a cheap sob & the Schiit is half the cost of the PA-10 & I like the Pure Class A choice...
Maybe you can answer a question I posted elsewhere..Regarding the "is-1000"..Can I use a Mini SD Card Reader into the USB-A & access the 1000+ song library I have on a Mini SD(FLAC/FAT32)?If yes how do I interface with the library?Thanks very much..
NOT looking for amplifier recommendations folks..I AM looking for parameters I need to watch so I don't get an amp that won't match up with the Gold Note Pre...
The rule of thumb is the input impedance of an amp should be at least 10x of the output impedance of the preamp. Another spec is the output voltage of a preamp should be more than the input sensitivity of the amp. If both of these specifications meet the criteria you will have no problem matching an amp with a preamp!
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