Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?

Just like those driving a Porsche SUV can join PCA (digital audio fans can join Audiogon) but are certainly not Porschephiles unless they also own a coupe (Panamera owners I guess gets a pass here).

Please respond with a yes or no and we'll tally a vote for the first 100 responses.

hshifi, I know a bunch of music lovers that are not silly enough to be audiophiles. They spend their money on family and friends.
jchip, shows you what bad taste Steve McQueen had. Nobody drives The 356 is endearing but it is not a very good car. Back then Jags were it.
I remember chasing a particular Porsche..
the conversation was short -
“ prospective owners are expected to demonstrate a significant level of support for the breed as demonstrated by a long and extensive history of Ownership. I think at that point I was at P#5 or 6.

MC - Squire was trusted to maintain our 993 and I certainly miss that
@bdp24 so true !!! But I know of a Vandersteen 7 owner with a good / better / BEST violin....