“Strictly a product for the 1% crowd!”
These comments always make me chuckle. An easy swipe at a group that most likely ignores high end audio in general and certainly ignores a flavor of the month brand with a pattern of significant discounting. The 1%’ers aren’t purchasing Soulution or they wouldn’t have to discount right?
In New Mexico, about $250k/yr gets you in the 1%, about $750k/yr in Connecticut. Alot of Audiogoners blow through these thresholds.
These comments always make me chuckle. An easy swipe at a group that most likely ignores high end audio in general and certainly ignores a flavor of the month brand with a pattern of significant discounting. The 1%’ers aren’t purchasing Soulution or they wouldn’t have to discount right?
In New Mexico, about $250k/yr gets you in the 1%, about $750k/yr in Connecticut. Alot of Audiogoners blow through these thresholds.