Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?

Just like those driving a Porsche SUV can join PCA (digital audio fans can join Audiogon) but are certainly not Porschephiles unless they also own a coupe (Panamera owners I guess gets a pass here).

Please respond with a yes or no and we'll tally a vote for the first 100 responses.

Shhhh ... don't anyone tell Geoffkait, that rip and streaming eliminates real-time CD error correction from the process, and just as 1+1 = 2, if you are doing Reed-Solomon offline, and there are no uncorrectable errors, then it is impossible for it to make a difference in the sound quality, no matter what someone may convince themselves of.  We are not in the realm of personal preference here, we are in the realm of 1+1 = 2, and that does not change based on where the 1 came from.
Excellent examples of strawman arguments by Mr. Smarty Pants. Logical fallacies. As usual robberrttddidd is on my tail within seconds. Ouch! Very ouch!

God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason, robberrttddidd

OK, time out while robberrttddidd looks up strawman argument. 
Ah magic pebble man. Quick with the ad-homs, quick with the deflections, slow as as a dead tortoise at providing a reasoned argument.

So magic pebble man, if the CD is ripped offline, we know the following factually:
  • Reed-solomon error coding will tell us within a bit grouping (hundred of bits) if there is an error for a given number of wrong bits, and if there are few enough wrong bits, how to correct them.
  • The number of bits in a grouping is large enough (hundreds) that false error is virtually impossible
  • That if the number of error bits is small enough, the correction will be perfect.  i.e. the data that comes out will be exactly what was intended to come out.
  • On reasonable quality CDs, the number of bit errors that cannot be corrected is very small, i.e. a few per CD. (If you scratch your CD all bets are off).
  • That if the CD is ripped offline, then any timing irregularities, power draw irregularities, etc. from the transport and ECC section that could impact the sound (in a poorly designed system) are eliminate.

So, given all those, please tell us magic pebble man, how your argument holds any water.

I don't really expect I will get a meaningful reply. I am sure whatever you respond back will be one of a) more insults, b) an answer that ignores all the points I raised, or c) something completely unrelated and probably coupled with an insult.  Of course, you may see that you were wrong (sort of like the RF frequency things and power) and just choose not to reply or admit your error.
Looks like I caught a big mouth bass on the line today, gentle readers. He’s even stealing my lines. Stealing my lines. Get it? 🤗 He’s cute when he gets all riled up.
And magic pebbles man goes with (a) just as expected. Without the ability to support their selfish attention seeking posts with a reasoned approach, the usual path for certain people is to resort to insults. It is pretty much the first indicator that you have won an argument, or they really had no argument in first place. They have no argument, so their only path is to attempt to discredit the other person.