Vandersteen VLR CT

Just noticed that the VLR CT is now on the Vandersteen website:

Eager to hear any impressions on this little guy.
@glissando I've had my VLR CTs for over a year now. I couldn't be happier. In the past I was usually bitten by the speaker upgrade bug after about 6 months. I listen to these things everyday and am still more than happy with them. 

Where are you located?
Have thoroughly enjoyed the VLR Wood model for nearly two years, based on recommend from John Rutan at Audio Connection.  Paired with Belles Aria integrated, Bryston bdp-pi streamer, Ayre Codex dac and AQ speaker cable and interconnects.  Will be making the move to the CT model, once again based on Johns recommmendation.
The carbon tweeter is just hyper fatigue free ( no breakup until a very high frequency ) it has the accuracy needed but without the leading edge bite of metal. Sure metal can sound very good but less breakup gives the designer more latitude on bandwidth and filter design.... with the caveat that the aerospace grade CF diaphragm is expensive...
sure the holy grail is pistonic and inexpensive- some of us lay awake at night working on that...
breakup and non pistonic motion should be the bane of any speaker designer who is not selling flavors....
I’ve had my VLR CTs for over a year now. I couldn’t be happier. In the past I was usually bitten by the speaker upgrade bug after about 6 months. I listen to these things everyday and am still more than happy with them.
Where are you located?

Thank you for the reply. That's encouraging. I definitely need to go longer than 6 months before upgrading speakers because I tend to keep everything I like and just add to my collection instead of selling them on.

But do the VLR CT have a ’Vandersteen’ sound ? such as the floor standing models or is that not possible with a stand mount speaker ?

I’m in Southern California.