Power Conditioners---old electrics in my house.

I have been using my trusted Equitech Model Q for the majority of items in my system-----primarily tube amps, pre amps (phono and primary) etc--

In need of some auxiliary pieces for cable input, video input, modem, etc-----have been using inexpensive 
strips, but feel the need to upgrade protection and any possible degradation of signal.

Noise elimination is essential-----seeking to protect signals and avoid degradation of sound.

Have run out of inputs on Equitech.

Thoughts?  One of the Audience products--Forte V 8 has been suggested--but it does not have surge or overload protection--odd.  A number of products on the market.

Suggestions?   I am space limited, so looking for best products in a minimal package.
Sorry, jea48, my statement has been retracted. P.S. I do respect your knowledge based on numerous beneficial comments you've made :)
I was born in Feb 1954. 

Anyway, I can only speak for myself. I have a while house surge protector and nothing else. I have tried several power devices and none of them have made any difference what so ever in the performance or noise levels of my system. I tendency is to think that you are better off spending the money on better equipment or music. Things that make a real difference assuming you like your loudspeakers and do not want to go heavy on a new pair are better more powerful amplifiers and room control such as the Trinnov ST 2 or Amethyst units. Certainly a pair of sub woofers if you don't have them already. 
Most electronic devices already have a very nice power conditioner installed. It is called a power supply.
One of my all time favorite tweaks is the gold plated wall receptacle. To me that is like a pimp with a fake Rolex. 
Hey guys,

I’m not new to the hobby but am getting back in after a decade or so hiatus.  Two channel guy looking for a sub $1k power conditioner for my system.  Have used multiple PS products in the past and loved them but their offerings today are too rich for my blood at the moment.

I’m seeing a lot of positive reviews on the AQ Niagara line and the 1200 falls into my fiduciary wheelhouse. It seems to me there’s much more movement these days towards plugging the amp directly into the wall vs any sort of power conditioner except the top of the line units, presumably to avoid limiting current.  I’m using, at the moment, a Krell S-300i integrated and would prefer the peace of mind of surge protection.

I’ve always liked the component style aesthetic but, of course, performance and value first.  Any recommendations aside from the Niagara or is that where I should be looking?  I’m not at all adverse to buying used.
