Lots of very interesting suggestions! I guess I need to find a bunch of dealers within driving distance and simply test them out.
The test with the PrimaLuna EVO400 (yes, I ran it fully balanced... just swapped the cables from my X0.2 and also grabbed the power cord, so about as equal as you can get) gave me new appreciation for the Pass pre... it's pretty good, but I wish it could give just a bit more space and maybe a smidgen of "tube glow"
The test with the PrimaLuna EVO400 (yes, I ran it fully balanced... just swapped the cables from my X0.2 and also grabbed the power cord, so about as equal as you can get) gave me new appreciation for the Pass pre... it's pretty good, but I wish it could give just a bit more space and maybe a smidgen of "tube glow"