Sub $1k Power Conditioners? Any Assistance Appreciated...

Hey guys,

I’m not new to the hobby but am getting back in after a decade or so hiatus. Two channel guy looking for a sub $1k power conditioner for my system. Have used multiple PS products in the past and loved them but their offerings today are too rich for my blood at the moment.

I’m seeing a lot of positive reviews on the AQ Niagara line and the 1200 falls into my fiduciary wheelhouse. It seems to me there’s much more movement these days towards plugging the amp directly into the wall vs any sort of power conditioner except the top of the line units, presumably to avoid limiting current. I’m using, at the moment, a Krell S-300i integrated and would prefer the peace of mind of surge protection.

I’ve always liked the component style aesthetic but, of course, performance and value first. Any recommendations aside from the Niagara or is that where I should be looking? I’m not at all adverse to buying used.

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+1 for the Audioquest Niagara 1200 here too. Exceptional value. IMHO nothing better I’ve found under $3k. 
I had the same question. This was suggested by Almarg on this forum.
Total cost: $622
Audience Adept Response aR2p power conditioner used, $326
Wiremold UL210BC Power Strip (w/tax, shipping) new, 91.63
Porter Port Audiophile electrical outlet audiogon, new, 44.30
Shunyata Venom Defender AC Line Purifier noise reduction used, 160.50

If you live in area where lightning strikes are common,
get a lightning rod. 
If get hit by lightning your equipment will be fried regardless
of your protection.
My advice-put the money elsewhere.