Will this amp trick work for increasing bass performance?

I'm considering matching Focal Utopia Scala Evo with two amps for bi-amping, to separate bass and mid/high. 

I'm considering the Pass Labs XP-32 pre-amp, which has individual volume controls for each channel/amp. By slightly increasing bass amp volume over mid/high amp volume, I get to feel more punch from the 11" woofers. The crossover in the Focals cuts off at 220Hz, so only bass and sub bass are affected.

Which two power amps would you consider? Power amp budget is about $30K. Was told Focals like power, so >250W for bass amp seems the minimum. Pre amp will likely be Pass Labs XP-32.
Maybe Pass Labs X250.8 + X150.8 or X250.8 + XA60.8?

Your thoughts please? Any other ideas to get more bass performance from the 11" woofers in the Focals? Subwoofer is not an option. I know McIntosh has a pre-amp with equalizer, which would solve the problem too. But I always thought EQs are a no-no.
If bass is your goal you will get much better results with a $3k DBA than any amount of money you can throw at any amp the way you're thinking. Period. Full stop. Not even close.  End of story.

Sorry, I can see you have preemptively ruled out the only real solution. Except technically you ruled out "a" sub. Not four. Which is what you need. Oh well. You apparently have no shortage of money. Which is good. The way you're going you will need it. (And still not get there! 😂)
Hi, years ago I listened to old Mezzo Utopias (i.e. not very different to your Focals) driven by two amps vs one and the results were indeed better with two albeit, not overwhelmingly so. We used identical amp models (Soulution).

So, using two amps is a solution -- but an expensive one.
Space and aesthetics allowing, 2 subs may be more effective (& cost-effective).

Mind you, you will feed each amp with the full-range signal from the pre-amp (i.e. left & right). The XP-32 has separate volume controls for EACH channel, right and left--so raising one of those volumes will raise the output of one channel vs the other. I’m not sure how you plan to give more juice to the bass amp?

As to which amps combo: since much of the energy is probably at, or below, 150Hz, the second one seems more appropriate ( X250.8 + XA60.8, 6 dB output difference between the two).Regards
@millercarbon Thanks for your reply. I was not aware a "$3k DBA" could solve my problem. I'm new so please elaborate a little; which one would you recommend? What is a DBA to begin with? I'm very open to other ideas.