I have the Nenuphar 10" in a 15’ x 13’ room. Drivers 60" from the front wall and 7’ apart center to center. Listening position 7’ triangle so also in a near field configuration. I’ve tried them in every position I could think of and always come back to this. Toe-in is important. I started with them straight on then toed them in in tiny increments looking for a balance of sound stage and center image.
I’ve noted that in the last year or so Peter B. from AV Showrooms and others have placed them on the front wall and prefer that position in those rooms. It doesn’t work at all in my room. The sound stage collapses in depth, imaging disappears. The bass isn’t all that much if any better. These speakers have magical properties that will manifest for you if you find the right formula for them in your space. If the rest of your system and placement are right they will create sonic places, architectures, landscapes...places for you to go. When Srajan said they are a benign psychotropic drug, maybe he was having a similar experience.
I’ve noted that in the last year or so Peter B. from AV Showrooms and others have placed them on the front wall and prefer that position in those rooms. It doesn’t work at all in my room. The sound stage collapses in depth, imaging disappears. The bass isn’t all that much if any better. These speakers have magical properties that will manifest for you if you find the right formula for them in your space. If the rest of your system and placement are right they will create sonic places, architectures, landscapes...places for you to go. When Srajan said they are a benign psychotropic drug, maybe he was having a similar experience.