Bill, I own a TT101, complete with the Victor plinth, dust cover, and a UA7045 tonearm. So I am well aware of the quality of the construction of the dust cover. And using it to protect from dust when the turntable is idle is perfectly valid. What I don't do is use the dust cover when I am using the TT101. (In other words, cover down while playing LPs.) That is the crux of an audiophile argument. Truth be told, my dust cover sits on the floor at some distance from the TT101 and is never used at all. Also, there was some discussion of the armboard. I don't know what wood it's made of; it could be MDF or it could be a laminate. In any case, I and a machinist friend made substitute arm boards out of aluminum, for more rigidity and less MDF coloration. I hear a SQ gain from doing that.
Cleeds, I hope Mijostyn is in good health, whatever would be the reason for his failing to assert himself here.
Cleeds, I hope Mijostyn is in good health, whatever would be the reason for his failing to assert himself here.