Acoustic Zen Crescendo

I'm pretty interested in these transmission-line, full-range speakers. Has anyone spent serious time with them? How do they compare to other contenders around $16K?

Unfortunately, I'd have to fly to SoCal for an audition, so I'd like to vet them as thoroughly as possible before committing the time and expense. Press has been very positive but also very limited, and user impressions are scarce on the web.

Thanks in advance,

Charles1dad you are so right. Just because something costs more doesn't make it better. I myself have learned the hard way, a Kondo SOUGA amp ($50K) was easily beaten by an Atmasphere S30 (with the right speaker...not the Crescendos) and my Kondo M1000 MKII (95K) was beaten by the SMc VRE-1b pre. Expensive is not always better!

(Dealer disclaimer)
Hi Sksos1,
Appreciate your candor, that was no doubt a hard and expensive lesson. And one I'm sure you won't repeat.
12-16-13: Sksos1
Mcondon I'm located in NH just 45 minutes out of Boston and have them playing 24/7 (still breaking in) in a dedicated room about 16" x 26" but on the short wall and 8 feet out from the front wall. Send me a note and come by for a listen.
Steve, it was great meeting you. The SMC VRE 1 with AtmaSphere M60 driving the Crescendo is a fabulous combination. Anyone in the area should definitely drop in for a listen.

Happy New Year!
I would love to hear what we Cresendo owners use for amps? I use two amps. A high,y modified Cary Rocket 88r tube amp and a Lyngdorf 2170.  I think they like power more than some think? What are you using?
I use several with good results. An Atmasphere M60 or Novacron (both with Zero auto-transformers) or a Merrill Audio Veritas. The Merrill gives you all the headroom you would ever need.

I am selling the Crescendo's now because I've lost 3 sales direct to AZ, not a good thing for a company to undersell a dealer so will sell them at 55% off list but must be picked-up. Sorry if this is the wrong place to announce.