I am using a TRL modified Alesis ML9600. It is actually a CDP, CD-R, and HD storage system used in professional recording (2 channel). It has a lot of mixing and editing features. I use the digital stage only as this is where the mods were done. So for me it is a transport. Base cost is $900, then $550 for the mods. It rivals a lot of units that are much higher priced. The other thing I am using the Alesis for is to transfer music files (WAV or lossless, no compressed garbage) from my computer to the ML9600 HD. In this process I can record in a variety of modes: 16 or 24 bit, then 44.1, 48, 88.2, or 96. Lastly, I can burn CDRs. The mods allow me to burn CDRs that result in much lower BLER than usual for CDs. In fact, I have taken store bought CDs, uploaded them to the ML9600, then re-burned them and they sound much better sonically than the store bought verisons.
I think all you need a decent transport. One that has a stable platform. Before I got the Alesis I looked at a CEC TL51 ($1190 new) and a Northstar ($1500 used), as well as other CDPs like the Jolida JD-100 and Cary 308T that I could use as tube CDPs or digital transports based on my mood. I think you can get by with a decent transport (whether a stand alone or part of a CDP doesn't matter) in the $800 - $1200 (new or used) range and get great results.