audio mirror dac

How good is this thing? How can I hear one before buying?

You don't want to know what I'm doing next with htis set up.

B18c96specr has the right idea. HD storage and computer based playback are on the way. Have laptop will transport. I will be freeing up about 100 sq. ft. of space once I load every digital music file I have onto the server.

Check out the USB DI/Os at (Vinnie Rossi) and Empirical Audio (Steve Nugent). I prefer to bypass the USB DI/O DACs in favor of the Audio Mirror.

Sounds interesting - let me know how it works out! I will read up on the link. Just make sure to backup your hard drive ;)

Well, I've taken the plunge on the Sig. D1 DAC. The only players / DACs I have heard are upsamplers and it piques my interest to try out a non-os DAC. Should I let it burn-in for a length of time or is it listenable out of the box?
Also going to give Vlad's T-61 preamp a whirl too.